What can I use an Angled Paint Brush for? Flowers, Leaves, and More!
Brush Series: Episode #2
If I could only choose one paintbrush it would be the angled brush! It’s my all-time favorite and you can do so many things with it!
I use it to make grass, leaves, flowers, and trees! So many things! I’m going to break it down into four separate areas for you!
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You don’t need fancy brushes to start painting! I love THIS variety pack of acrylic paintbrushes. It has a large flat brush, some angled and a few rounds to help you get started.
How I like to Use an Angled Paint Brush
The first thing is doing some quick and easy grass! One of the things I love about the angled brushes you can just let the brush do the work for you! I’ll load the brush up with two different shades of green and do some quick upward motions.
The next technique that I show you in the video below is how to do leaves! These are so simple and easy with the angled brush two quick brushstrokes and you have some simple leaves to fill in with your floral paintings! You can also use this technique to do flower petals! Works great for sunflowers!
Next up is trees! Or I should say leaves for trees! If you follow my work you will see this in several paintings! It is by far one of my favorite ways to do leaves on trees!
Especially leaves that are full of colors! This technique is all about discovering the art of not blending. We want to layer these brushstrokes on top of one another to create depth and interest.
I have two signature paintings that use this technique
First, the Fall Chapel painting – In this painting I layer leaves in all those warm fall tones. We painted this inside The Painting of the Month Club in the fall! I just loved how everyone’s turned out!
Members of The Painting of the Month Club get one exclusive painting tutorial each month for only $20!
Since every month is a surprise, you will have to check it out HERE to see what painting will be next!
My other signature painting is my Truck Full of Pumpkins. I have sold this class out time and time again. It is so fun and easy to customize!
This tutorial was such a huge hit inside my Inner Tribe Membership! If you have always wanted to know how to paint this then be sure to get on the waitlist now! Doors Open Soon!!
Learn more about Christie’s Inner Tribe
And last but not least my favorite kind of messy flowers! I use this technique in tons of my paintings.
Two of my newest ones are my Maggie the Cow and Petunia the Pig. Both of these come as part of joining my membership as well!
As soon as you join you’ll have access to learn how to paint these paintings whenever you want!
My farm animal painting tutorial collection is also available inside my Shop. You can buy single painting tutorials and they will be delivered to your inbox right away and can be watched as many times as you like.
I have a handsome rooster that completes the set!
Check out my Angled Brush Video!
If you liked this video and would love to continue learning how to paint, you can try my Free Winter Chapel Painting Tutorial!! In this painting, we use some of these same angled paintbrush techniques along with using a flat brush for the background shown in Episode #1 and more!
FREE Winter Chapel Painting Tutorial
I hope you enjoy the video of some of my favorite ways to use an angled brush and would love to see you start practicing some of these techniques.
After you work on a few be sure to share them in my free Facebook group! This is a great place to share any of the lessons that you have learned from me!
Stay creative!!