Learn to Paint even if you have Never Painted Before!
I am just beyond proud of these amazing women in my Tribe that I get to teach each month! They have inspired me so much and today I wanted to take the time to show off what they have learned to paint and how much they have grown! It is so exciting and rewarding as a teacher to see! Each one has a different story and that is what I want to share with you today!
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You are going to love seeing all the Paintings that these women have learned to Paint!
The crazy part is that before they began to learn to paint in my Inner Tribe, they had no experience. There is a reason I bring that up! I believe EVERYONE, no matter what age, has a creative part inside of us! God created us that way. He is the original creator and artist and He made us in His image! That is something so important for us to all understand and let sink in for a moment!
Maybe you have felt drawn to being creative and told yourself it wasn’t important or you didn’t have time for it. I have been guilty of that myself. What I have found though, is that when I take the time to paint, create and explore, I open up a piece of myself I didn’t know existed.
It is so relaxing and therapeutic for me and I know for all these ladies too! I don’t believe that is a coincidence, I feel like that is God pulling us to create and use the gifts He put in us all. When we do, we can share that joy of art and love with others.
Think of the gifts that can be given or just the pure beauty of a painting. It brings people happiness. For these women, when they are done, they look back and what they created and also feel a sense of pride and accomplishment! This boosts self-esteem and they begin to feel confident in their work and are even more drawn to it! It is so exciting to watch unfold!
Who is ready to hear these stories?!
I can’t wait to share my Tribe Sister stories with you all! And, these are just a few! This is possible for anyone, no matter where you are at in life!
Becky’s Story:
This story makes me smile from ear to ear! She is such a sweet soul and I LOVE watching her grow and take on more each time she paints! She is constantly learning and growing!
“Just before my 70th birthday, I found Christie and The Social Easel. I have always been artistic and creative, but I had never even tried painting. I had no clue as to how to paint anything recognizable. From the very first lesson in Christie’s Tribe, I was successful in painting a very pretty beach scene. I have gained knowledge about color, perspective, composition, and lighting. I now look at art with a more informed appreciation. I have now gotten my 9-year-old grandson and his mama painting with Christie. I now enjoy painting and love the Tribe.”
Becky Walker
These are just a few of Becky’s paintings! How cool is that?! She didn’t even start painting until she was 70!!
It is truly never to late to start and now she shares that love of art with her family! That just makes my heart smile!
Debbie’s Story:
Debbie has been painting with me locally for a few years and when I opened up my membership in April 2018, she was one of the founding members that signed up! Now, just over a year later, she is ready to start teaching her own paint classes!! How cool is that?!
“I have learned so much from Christie. I love all the tutorials that gives us and have learned about composition, shading, color mixing, and she has given me so much confidence in myself as an artist. All I want to do is paint, paint, paint!!”
Debbie Hightower
Debbie is retiring soon and will now be able to teach these beautiful paintings to others for extra income!!
Janice’s story:
Janice is such a joy and has a natural gift for art! She just booked her first painting class to teach this fall!
“Being a part of Christie’s “Inner Tribe” has taught me so much more than techniques in painting. It has taught me to have confidence in myself and to share in the joys and love of painting with other tribe members. It is crazy to think that just a year ago, painting wasn’t even a thought of mine, and now it’s a full-blown obsession! Thank you Christie for pulling out the inner artist in us all!”
Janice Goocher
It’s so exciting to see how much she has grown in just a year! I can’t wait to see what her next chapter is!
Linda’s Story:
I’ve only known Linda a short time and it has been so much fun getting to know her! Her love of art is now being infused in children all around her! Absolutely love seeing what she is doing with it!
“I have learned how to paint, techniques, and how to use color. But more importantly, I have found a special group, unlike the others. The tribe inspires me, when I’m not sure if my work their encouragement just pushes me forward. Looking at my work in this photo makes me so happy. I am enjoying the journey!”
Linda Stuart
Linda is now being asked to do kids’ birthday parties and paint parties in her town! I love getting to watch her grow and bring art into all of the children’s lives around her!
I hope these stories inspire you and encourage you to take the next step on your own creative journey! If you want to learn more about being in my Inner Tribe and get notified when it’s open to new members, join my waitlist!!
Learn More About Joining Christie’s Inner Tribe
We are so excited to be excepting new members soon!! You can learn how to paint too! Even if you have never done it before. We have so many fun new painting tutorials in store for my Tribe Sisters!